Welcome to Our Place @ Willunga Hill
At the very heart of "Our Place @ Willunga Hill' is a function centre born of a desire to share their collective passion for exceptional food in an atmosphere of celebration.
The Celebration room has capacity for 150 guests. It is fully air-conditioned ( quiet & efficient) With stunning view of the hills and sea, with a large fish pond in the room.
It is the perfect place for celebrations of all kinds:
Sunday lunches
Fun Times
Our Place Recipes
Our Functions
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Seminars Workshops
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Our Place Sunday lunch
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Birthdays Celebrations
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Fun Times
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Our Service
We tailor Our Place to your needs and touches..

Prices include use of music system, wireless microphone, projector, setting up of room, and use of in house decorations.

Phone Numbers:
+61 417 879 551
e-mail to: